"The Turner Broadcasting System has reached a seven-year agreement with Major League Baseball to broadcast the National League Championship Series and American League Championship Series in alternating years from 2007 to 2013. Also, beginning in 2007, TBS will telecast all regular-season tiebreaker games, all Division Series games and the All-Star Game Selection Show each year... 'We at Turner believe that the television landscape has changed,' David Levy, president of Turner Sports." Oh, but NOT for the better. " 'The lines between cable and broadcast television are now virtually non-existent,' [he continued.]" Except for the quality of the broadcast.
No real stuff on the baseball game last night, but for a commentary on the TBS broadcast itself. I felt like they imported a minor league broadcast crew. It was painful. I actually missed Joe Morgan and Tim McCarver, which I didn't think was possible.
Let's start:
Frank TV - Could they have run more commercials for what HAS to be a lame show? I'll start the over/under - which lasts longer - Cavemen or frank TV?
Two words: Jose Mota
Top of the third, TBS joins the game with one out already down! What? Needed to run that extra Frank TV promo?
The Announcers seemingly know nothing about either team. Now there were no Mike Turico moments constantly calling Sammy Morris by the name, "Kevn Faulk", but it was close.
Manny's baserunning awareness is "under-rated." huh?
Did one of those two actually suggest the Angels should bean Big Papi in the hip on national TV?
Don Orsillo is doing the Cubs for goodness sake!
Ok. I'm done.
Go Indians!
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