Make no doubts about it. Joe Torre was the glue that kept this $270 trillion payroll together and focused. I am happy to see him go - as a behind the lines spy, that is. Torre is hard to hate. The guy is all class, and was supremely effective. Can you imagine anyone else coralling egos that are the post-2000 Yankees into a multi-year playoff team. Each and every one of them credits Joe Torre. The fact that he will manage elsewhere next year HAS to be cause for celebration.
Fans around here have lambasted Torre for two years now because their devine right to participate in the World Series has not been fulfilled since last century. The locals called for his head last year, and did the same before the playoffs even started this year. However, in the last week and a half, a groundswell of nostalgia has swept the evil-empire's fandom. The same people calling for his head numerous times in the last 400 days, are pleadig, "Joe Can't Go!" They don't deserve him.
The Steinbrenner clan's offer to him was insulting. A 1-2 year, incentive-laden contract? Are you kidding me? My friend, Ross, called it early. Prior to the ALDS, he noted that Torre should demand a multi-year contract under the concept that Torre has put up with his job hanging on a thread for two years now, and if it happens again - fine, pay me! Torre's refusal to accept an insulting contract was the right move.
Two money grubbers had their comments. Johnny Damon noted, “They gave Joe an opportunity, but with a pay cut and with the pressure that, if you win, here’s more money — which was pretty decent." Cuz we all know Johnny Damon is all about pay-for-performance contracts. "Super" Agent Scott Bor-ass followed up with, “It is difficult, near impossible, to accept a salary cut.” SHOCKER!
This is a year of potential transition (and hopefully turmoil) for the Yankees. With Torre gone, they will have a new manager for the first time in twelve years - and potentially have a first-time manager at that. They have four free agents they need to deal with. A 36-year old catcher in Posada, a 38-year old reliver in Rivera, a 36-year old starter in Petitte - all who will want serious contracts. Then there is the A-Rod situation. The potentially reigning MVP could command a 10-year $300 million contract. They also must choose whether they pick up an option at $16 million on RF Bobby Abreu. Did I mention Jason Giambi still has $22 million for 2008 (plus a $5mm buyout to relieve them of his contract in 2009). Gee, that's $564,000 for every one of his RBIs this year. Plus, they still owe 39-year old Mike Mussina and free agent bust Carl Pavano a combined $22.5 million for 2008.
Finally, the 77-year old George picked the right year to exit stage right. Leaving "operational decisions" to his two sons, Hank and Hal, last week is the perfect set up. One can only hope, that portly Hank and Hal become vilified in New York as incompentent, nepotists in the same vein as Jim Dolan.
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