Monday, June 1, 2009

New Post

Yes, very exciting post title. I've been meaning to post, but frankly have been surprised how little "down" time I've had. Part time life in Minnesota is going well. The job has been great so far. Although I haven't been to a lot of places, it's really pretty here. Last Thursday, we had a work event at a local restaurant with a deck overlooking Lake Minnetonka. It stays light up here to well past Nine o'clock. It was 81 degrees and just a perfect setting.

The family was out here for Memorial Day weekend. Although the apartment is tight for four of us, the weather was great, and we took advantage of it. The Red Sox were in town, so on Memorial Day proper, we attended the Sox/Twins. We had excellent seats - front row to the third base side, right next to the Twins bullpen. For those NESN viewers, you may have seen us. They took a nice close up of us ("there's a Red Sox family.") The kids were really hoping for a foul ball, but no luck.

I attended the next two games - tickets are real easy to get out here.

As for the New York front, we continue to try and figure out what to do with our place. Decision is immenent, but that's for another post.

I'm rambling, but I felt it was worth posting something.

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