Emily's birthday is April 10 - during school vacation. So, she had a birthday celebration at school on the 2nd. Then they all flew here to Minneapolis, and on the 10th, we celebrated her birthday. At her suggestion, we spent the day at Nickelodeon Universe, the amusement park inside the Mall of America. We had dinner at her favorite restaurant - the Outback. No, she doesn't love Outback for the steaks, but rather ... the Mac & Cheese. It could be worse. Of all the Outbacks I have been to, most of your meal is filled with wait staff singing "Happy Birthday from the Outback." However, this Outback - no singing. In fact, we didn't even get a candle placed in the "birthday" Sundae. Therefore, we brought a cake to the dinner party we attended the next day - and everyone sang!
Then she went home, and celebated with local New York family. More cake! I attended by Skype. Very exciting, they watched me cook (and by cook, I mean heat up).
But wait, we aren't done. Next Saturday is her Birthday Party. We are attending the Hannah Montana movie with 10 +/- friends.
Here are some pictures from Minneapolis week:

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