Thursday, November 27, 2008

Macy's Parade

Thanks to good weather, we took on the crowd to watch the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade with my college friend Peter and his daughter. None of us had seen it live before. Leaving the house at about 7am got us to the West side of Central Park West by 8am. Not anywhere near the time to be curbside for the 9am parade start. Rather, we were roughly 15 people deep into the crowd.

We stood on 70th Street next to some police sawhorse barriers. When the parade began, the girls took turns standing on the sawhorse (three girls and two spots). I spent a large part of the remaining time with one of them on my shoulders. Yes, they are sore.

We saw all the balloons, most of the floats and only a few of the people on the street. We saw Miley Cyrus, Nickelodeon's Miranda Cosgrove and Santa Claus in person. We missed seeing David Archuletta, and the girls were disappointed - me, not so much. I have a friend on 70th St., so we were able to duck the outgoing crowds for about a half an hour. By the time we emerged, the street was basically empty, the subways was mild, and Metro North was empty. Worked well. This three minute video is a good summary of it.

Lots of fun were had by all. Happy Thanksgiving!

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