Saturday, November 15, 2008

Concise and Clear from a Source You Wouldn't Expect

We attended a birthday dinner for my brother-in-law, Chris, last night. The conversation turned to politics and economics. Near the end, my mother-in-law, posed an interesting question to me and similarly-minded Chris. "What is important to you [politically and economically] for the future - looking out ten years?" We each spoke shortly about our ideal government priorities and policies.

Coincidentally, the Wall Street Journal ran an op-ed piece this morning called, "The Path to Prosperity." I began reading it, and thought that it was extremely well written. It was a clear and concise summary of an idealogy for proper government policies to promote the positive aspects of capitalism and thus overall prosperity. I like the editors of the WSJ, but hadn't noticed who had written the piece. I scanned down the page to see how much more the article had to go, and noticed it was not written by one of the editors, but rather was an editorial submission. I was shocked to see who had submitted it - George W. Bush. The article is an excerted speech that he gave to an audience in Manhatten on Thursday. If it was delivered with anywhere near the eloquance with which it was written, it should rank among the best speeches on capitalism and free trade ever given by a US President. I wasn't there, but I unfortunately doubt it was. Too bad.

Here is a link:

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