Picture worth a 1,000 words
UPDATE: How dare the Jets cry about being disrespected! Since when is respect only a one-way street? This is the same group of "professionals" who mouthed off about "kissing rings" and seeking to "embarasss" their opponent. They name three "captains" who all played for the Patriots even though one of the them is the fourth string quarterback. How do the Patriots respond? Do they trash the media about how the Jets QB isn't the second coming of Joe Neimeth? Or how Rex Ryan's scheming plans look foolish in retrospect? Do they hold out their rings and demand they be kissed?? No, they play football and throw the ball with 30 seconds left even though they were up 14 points. WOW! And the Jets including their 500 lbs coach cry disrespect! Listen boys, one can't be respected until you learn the meaning of the word.
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