Our first Halloween in the new neighborhood was a success. The layout of our community is ideal for trick-or-treating. There's only one way in, one way out, and 48 houses in between. The trek started shortly before sunset. Katie was dressed in the same costume as last year, a gypsy/pirate (under the guise that no one here had seen it before). Emily took to the role of Dorothy from The Wizard of Oz.
We were joined by the Buchmueller, Anna and Tommy, plus their dad, Ross, got into things by dressing as Shrek.
Given that some areas around here are quite rural, our neighborhood was a targeted drop-off zone. If I had to guess, a couple hundred kids patrolled the streets between 6-9:30pm.
By the end, a couple pounds of candy was carried by each child. We got last years' stash to last through New Years. We'll see if the same applies this time around.
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