We exchanged Christmas presents. A little bird helped my parents get the kids Disney's Sing It, for the XBox, and quickly, Sunday morning turned from Classic Rock air guitars to Hannah Montana Karaoke. By later that morning, everyone had hit the road, which was good, because we had our golf club's Christmas party.
We had a little issue last year, where some faulty glue convinced the girls that the club's Santa was only a stand-in, and in fact he was being played by "Magic Dave." I assured them, it was NOT Magic Dave, but I could have talked til I was blue in the face. This year, Katie thought the beard was a hoax, but Emily was certain it had been real. It doesn't really matter, I guess, since neither told him what they wished for.
Emily has crafted Santa a note for which she plans to leave for him on Christmas Eve. I'll share it with you now as is:
"Dear, Santa
did you relly give presints when you
wher a teen ager? how did the
rainder fly?
Love, Emily"
Hopefully he'll answer...
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