Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Assuming their own beliefs are just common sense

Bill O’Reilly tonight highlighted findings that liberals on the internet tend to be less tolerant of opposing views than conservatives. Democrat Kirsten Powers agreed with this sentiment, relaying from her own personal experiences engaging with liberals and conservatives, surmising that the former tend to be less tolerant because they are used to controlling the media.  Powers has worked for the New York State Democratic Committee, was the press secretary for Andrew Cuomo for Governor and Communications Director on the mayoral campaign of C. Virginia Fields.

O’Reilly said the study finds liberals are far more sensitive about criticism, and a significant percentage of them have ended online relationships due to political differences. Powers explained that after getting out of her own “Democratic bubble,” she noticed that conservatives tend to be more open to hearing opposing viewpoints than liberals.

“Liberals, because they are used to controlling all the media, pretty much, academia, that for them, when they hear things that don’t jibe with what they want to hear, it’s very disconcerting and unsettling to them.”  Powers added that most of these liberals are generally shocked about dissenting views because they just assume everyone believes their beliefs are just common sense.

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