Saturday, March 13, 2010


Arrival in Hawaii was easy and uneventful. The flight was long (8 1/2 hrs), but there was a decent amount of entertainment options. We had two first class seats and two coach (not on purpose, there weren't enough upgrades available for four). The plan was for one adult and one kid to sit together until we were at cruising altitude, and then switch adults into 1st. The kids decided they wanted to sit together, so they sat in coach all the way except on landing when Alison moved back, and Katie moved up. The First Class cabin attendant was very nice, and he brought ice cream sundaes back to both kids.

Other than unpacking and grabbing a quick bite, we haven't done much. The hotel seems very nice. We like our room.

As for the video. I'm still learning the new little flip camera. quality isn't great, but hopefully I'll get the hang of it soon.

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