Sunday, March 21, 2010

She Who Talks with Turtles

Although we awoke too late to feed the fish at 7:30am, we did make a trek to a place we heard from word of mouth - "turtle beach." After taking the trolly to the Marriott hotel, we stepped off property to head up the local public beach. The beaches here are state property, and thus public. The land next to them are often private. As you head up the coast from the Marriott, there is some waterfront that is beach, and some that is all rock. We didn't quite know where this famous turtle beach was. Getting there involved climbing some waterfront rocks, dodging some waves and wading through shallow water. However, in the end, we got there. It turns out, if you knew where it was, you could walk the road and take public access path right to the beach.

The small lagoon was protected by a large row of rocks. Apparently, the sea turtles like the lagoon to feed, and they are used to people. You aren't supposed to feed them, but a number of people grabbed floating seaweed, and the turles ate right from their hands.

We probably saw a total of three sea turtles swimming around. They would come and go. Sometimes there would be one. Sometimes, none. Sometimes all three. The kids made a friend there. A "local" 8-yr old girl. I use quotes because her dad is stationed at Pearl Harbor with the Navy. Her mom, who was there with her, was from Newton, MA and graduated from Mount Alvernia High School is 1990. Her sister went to Sacred Heart H.S. (the same school where my sister attended).

We spent the rest of the day at the pool, and talked with a family who we met yesterday from Waconia, MN - a town two away from us. Small worlds.

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