Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The Flash Take

Hat tip to my college friend Flash, who writes:
So Obama says he is going to meet with Mitt Romney to see what they can do together to solve the nation's problems. This is a President who spent billions on a campaign that was 100% charcater assassination. He and his henchmen spent months and months denigrating and smearing Romney, one of the few good and decent people remaining still willing to enter national service, turning him into a cartoon villain who was going to take your healthcare, or your rights, or your contraception, or your lives (cancer), or bankrupt the nation. Why in the world would [Obama] want to meet with such a terrible person to talk about anything? Obama is so full of [it] I can't stand it.
This is the conundrum that Obama voters should be trying to resolve?  Wait, why would Obama want to get Romney's ideas when all I've heard is how horrible his ideas are? Remember those trickle-down theories that ruined our economy?  I thought we "sent those back to the 80s?"  Those questions should be followed by: did I just get the political wool pulled over my eyes?  If his ideas are good, why did I vote for you? ... D'oh!  
However, that analysis will never take place, because it would involve rational, logical thinking beyond snippet rhetoric that doesn't involve Big Bird, wars on women, binders, Bruce Springsteen or Jay-Z.

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