Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Waikiki and beyond

Our arrival in Honolulu was relatively uneventful. We departed Minneapolis late Friday night, arrived and slept in L.A. Fortunately, the gate agent in Minny checked our bags straight thru, so no Baggage Claim at LAX. The flight L.A. to HNL was slightly six hours.

As we had expected it was raining when we arrived, but it didn't last long. We hit the beach both Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning. The winds were strong which made for some great body surfing.

The video is the beach outside of the Outrigger Hotel, our one-night stop.

Sunday night we arrived in Kaua'i to steady rain. Apparently, they have gad steady rains for about two weeks! The outlook was daunting.

However, today - Monday - we snuck in a nice sunny (albeit windy) day. Pool and beach at the hotel all day long.

Bill took a surf lesson, and got up a few times. No video of course!

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