Monday, August 29, 2011

That's sum drawing...

We attended the great Minnesota Get Together, a.k.a. the Minnesota State Fair on Sunday. It's always quite a spectacle. This year's Fair had a unique twist for us. Each of the girls' school's art department submitted a drawing to be judged at the Fair. We received notification that each of them had won a ribbon. Items from across the state were displayed in trophy cases inside the Education pavilion.

Emily won a Third Grade - 1st place ribbon for her drawing of a futuristic city.

Katie won a third place ribbon for fifth graders for her skeleton drawing.

As you can see, there are five skeletons each painting a picture.

Both drawings were at an awkward angle inside the case. However, the girls will get their picture back (plus the ribbon), and I will take a better picture at that time.

Other fun stuff at the Fair including seeing a new born calf, and eating things on a stick - Emily has Pizza on a stick, and Katie was Big Fat Bacon on a stick.

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