Monday, August 29, 2011

180 Complete

You've seen the epic 180 fail video. Here's the follow up:

That's sum drawing...

We attended the great Minnesota Get Together, a.k.a. the Minnesota State Fair on Sunday. It's always quite a spectacle. This year's Fair had a unique twist for us. Each of the girls' school's art department submitted a drawing to be judged at the Fair. We received notification that each of them had won a ribbon. Items from across the state were displayed in trophy cases inside the Education pavilion.

Emily won a Third Grade - 1st place ribbon for her drawing of a futuristic city.

Katie won a third place ribbon for fifth graders for her skeleton drawing.

As you can see, there are five skeletons each painting a picture.

Both drawings were at an awkward angle inside the case. However, the girls will get their picture back (plus the ribbon), and I will take a better picture at that time.

Other fun stuff at the Fair including seeing a new born calf, and eating things on a stick - Emily has Pizza on a stick, and Katie was Big Fat Bacon on a stick.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Even Moore Randoms

Lunch at Lafayette

Our Monday sign that did not make it on TV (that we know of). Carl Crawford did not, in fact, toss her a ball...

However, Wednesday's game, we hit up batting practice. Josh Reddick did roll a ball to Emily across the dugout. Thanks Josh!

Sitting in our seats

Katie, Alison and our friends sat across the diamond from us. That is Katie holding her sign up with friend from NY, Anna.


Some Randoms

Emily and a couple of her soccer teammates. Emily really stepped up in Soccer this year.

Katie and a few of her Soccer teammates. Full size field and 11 players, Katie's soccer was no longer "rec" league. She did well, especially considering she is playing up for her age.

Emily and a couple of friends.

WWA National Wakeboard Championships. Next Jr. Girls Champ?

Uptown Art Fair. Here is Moore Art.

Emily and I went to Twins/Red Sox along the first row LF foul line. Unfortunately, no foul balls came are way. The Red Sox did win tho!

The Four Moores

Beautiful Sunday morning. Lake was glass at 8:30am. All four Moores hit the lake on wakeboards. Katie took her longest run ever, Emily went outside the wake and Alison on her first session ever was up pretty quickly.
Good jumping weather. Completed two 180s.

Emily is a natural.

Katie who always stuck with Skiing, really figured it out today.

A couple of failed attempts resulted in the knowledge used to string together a great run.


The water adventures continued when friends came over and we dialed the boat up perfectly for wake surfing, and finally tubing. Good day indeed!

Friday, August 12, 2011

Dumm Ass

Film creator Michael Moore has to be one of the scumiest humans on the planet. The guy is a walking oxymoron. A multi-millionaire capitalist who makes a living decrying capitalism. That alone makes him a hypocrite. However, his Twitter post above shows his ignorance, stupidity, and anarchist motivation all in one.

So, let's dissect this post. He is unhappy that S&P wasn't proactive enough in 2008 to downgrade AAA securities to their true credit measure, and that lack of professional integrity led the economy into ruin. As he sees it, innocent investors were buying AAA rated paper without understanding the risk. They only downgraded the securities after their demise was a foregone conclusion.

HOWEVER, now, he is unhappy that S&P can't be bullied into maintaining a AAA rating on securities that do not deserve such a credit measure, and instead acted proactively to get ahead of the issue before it was a foregone conclusion. Otherwise, innocent investors would be buying U.S. Treasury securities on the understanding that they were completely risk-free, when in fact, the economics suggested they were not.

Hmm, which is it?

Yet, that is the least despicable part of the Tweet. Disregarding his illogical conclusions, his solution is even more preposterous and socially appalling. His solution is to ARREST the CEO of a public and independent entity for allowing his firm to do their job. S&P's free market (not government sponsored) service is to provide their OPINION on the safety and surety of debt instruments for the benefit of investors. EVEN IF a downgrade of the U.S. Treasury securities isn't warranted, is that how we handle disagreement here, by sending CEOs to jail for allowing their company to express it's opinion which also happens to be their responsibility?

This isn't Russia [Danny]. Is this Russia? This isn't Russia.

Monday, August 8, 2011

180 Fail

On Friday morning, I landed a heel-side 180 wakeboard jump. Basically, it is turning into the wave using my heels (so a left turn for me), hitting the jump, spinning the board, and land facing the opposite direction (otherwise known as "switch").

I spent the weekend trying to re-create it, and didn't land it once. Sunday, I taped it to see what I might be doing wrong. You benefit from the folly of my falls. BTW, no wakeboarders were hurt or injured in the making of this video. Although they look painful, the falls were pretty tame, and I wear a helmet.