Sunday, February 8, 2009

When will this guy stop campaigning?

From Obama's weekly radio address:

"Let's be clear: We can't expect relief from the tired old theories that, in eight short years, doubled the national debt, threw our economy into a tailspin, and led us into this mess in the first place. We can't rely on a losing formula that offers only tax cuts as the answer to all our problems while ignoring our fundamental economic challenges – the crushing cost of health care or the inadequate state of so many schools; our addiction to foreign oil or our crumbling roads, bridges, and levees," he said. "The American people know that our challenges are great. They don't expect Democratic solutions or Republican solutions – they expect American solutions."

When will this guy stop the rhetoric? Presenting a laundry list of eight years worth of left pet projects and labeling it "stimulus" is harding grasping the ecomomic reigns and leading.

U.S. Gross Domestic Product
U.S. GDP, Current Dollar and Real Dollar, 2000 - 2008
Year / Current $ / Real $
2000 / 9,817 / 9,817
2001 / 10,128 / 9,890
2002 / 10,470 / 10,049
2003 / 10,961 / 10,301
2004 / 11,686 / 10,676
2005 / 12,422 / 10,990
2006 / 13,178 / 11,295
2007 / 13,808 / 11,524
2008 / 14,421 / 11,712

U.S. GDP Percent Change, Year to Year
Year / Current $ / Real $
2000 / 5.9% / 3.7%
2001 / 3.2% / 0.8%
2002 / 3.4% / 1.6%
2003 / 4.7% / 2.5%
2004 / 6.6% / 3.6%
2005 / 6.3% / 2.9%
2006 / 6.1% / 2.8%
2007 / 4.8% / 2.0%
2008 / 3.6% / 0.5%

Yeah tax cuts really sucked didn't they?!? I'd rather throw a $1 trillion we don't have on a bunch of projects that will do little to stimulate [read sarcasm].

No! Insulate bad assets. Protect the financial system. Give people incentives to invest and spend. done.

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