Saturday, January 24, 2009

Pico Getaway, Getaway

In last year's school auction we won the bid to a weekend at a ski on/ski off condo on Pico (located adjacent to Killington). We utilized it on this past Martin Luther King Day weekend. Although the accomidations would be better described as a walk, ski, take-off-your-skis, hike, ski on/off condo, it was still nice not to have to drive to the mountain.

After our experience at Stowe, and the horror stories I had heard about conditions, I expected the worst. In fact, before we had arrived, the Pico website said something about only 3 of 6 lifts being open. ugh. However, the conditions were suprisingly good for Vermont. Solid packed powder with very little ice, and all the lifts were open. The weather was cold, but we came prepared.

There were few green trails, so the kids stuck to blue (intermediate) slopes. We even hit the summit twice.

The following is a 4:30 minute video filmed on our last day.

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