Sunday, September 30, 2007

Tillinghast Defeat

Our golf club runs a Ryder Cup format tournament - 10 team, 8 players per team by random draw. We play a nine-hole scramble, a nine-hole best ball, a nine-hole alternate shot, and a nine-hole singles match over two days.

Although I drove the ball quite well, I went 0-3 in the first three matches, not matching up well with my partners for one reason or another. Our team, Team Japan, didn't fare much better. Going into the last round, we were tied for last. However, we fared well in the singles contest. I won 2-up. My opponent conceded the final hole with him lying four in the rough and I was on the green in regulation. Our team won 5 and lost 3 singles matches. As a result, we scratched back to 5th or 6th place, so it wasn't completely embarassing.

Can't say the same of the Mets who have now gone home for the Winter. Sorry Chris.

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