The new is a 2003 Supra Launch SSV Gravity Games Edition. It's a great wakeboarding boat. It rides smooth, and creates a large wake due to the built in ballast system. Since its a V-drive inboard, the engine is in the back as opposed to the middle. Consequently, there is much more room on te deck. It also has the wakeboard tower to pull boarders and tubers, alike.

The old boat will be missed. It's a 1985 Supra, and was well worth the money I paid for it. Great entry level boat that taught us how to be boat owners. However, it has served its purpose, and is now on the market. I only listed it yesterday and have three people looking at it.

As part of this package deal, I'm selling our 1991 Porsche convertible. I've had that car longer than I've had the kids! I'll miss that too, but we NEVER use it. I'd much rather invest the capital in something we are getting a lot of use from.